Monday, October 3, 2011

Week of October 3-October 7

Happy October!

A couple friendly reminders:
Please send your child to school with a healthy snack-no potato chips and no cookies. If they bring that, I will ask them to put it away and choose something else from their lunch box.

Also, make sure your child has enough sharpened pencils. Many of the students are "running out" of pencils. The class pencil sharpener doesn't work that well, so if they have a little one in their desk, that may be easier.

We have had a very busy week, especially with the CogAT test taking up some time! The students love the experiments we're doing in science related to the water cycle; ask them to sing the water cycle song! We have also solved frames and arrow problems and What's My Rule? problems in math.

Here are this week's highlights:
Monday: We did a science experiment and learned what condensation is.
Tuesday: We took the CogAT test. We solved frames and arrows problems.
Wednesday: We learned the 3 parts of the water cycle.
Thursday: We completed a story map.
Friday: We learned what a paragraph is. We had extra recess outside!

Enjoy the beautiful weather and extra long weekend!